系別所 |
考試科目 |
資訊管理學系 |
電子計算機概論 |
1. (10%)何謂I-time和E-time?說明CPU在I-time和E-time的時候各做了些什麼動作?
2. (10%)請比較第一代電腦到第四代電腦所使用的電子元件和速度上的差別?
3. (10%)針對撞擊式(impact)及非撞擊式(nonimpact)印表機,各列出制老兩項優點及三項缺點。
4. (10%)什麼叫做Client/Server的架構,什麼又叫做Multi-tier的架構,試舉例說明之。
5. (10%)何謂IP Address? 何謂Domain Name(Name Address)?其關係又為何?
6. (10%)請列舉五種不同的多媒體,並各舉一網路上使用的檔案型態(附加檔名).
7. (20%) Please explain the follow terms related to C language. Don’t just do translation but explanation.
compiler, linker, source code file, object coed file, executable file, syntax error, semantic error, EOF, actual argument and formal argument.
8. (20%) Design a function that fetched the next n characters from input, including blanks, tabs and new lines.